The recent snow storm should not sway anyone from the facts pertaining to climate change. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, has increased from approximately 280 parts per million (ppm) in our atmosphere in the late 1800's to close to 400 ppm today. Average temperature, precipitation, and sea levels have all increased. They will continue to do so. Although not everyone agrees to what magnitude humans have influenced these changes, or how bleak our future looks because of it, it does not change the fact that each decade is getting, on average, warmer.
"Hope"enhagen, as many were calling it, did not pan out as many had, well, hoped. World leaders could not find much common ground. How could they? After all, many Americans are still ignorant to the fact that climate change is occuring at all, much less that we have anything to do with it. The United States produces the second highest totals of carbon, following China (China, and its billion plus people surpassed the U.S. in carbon emissions in 2006). The U.S. must lead the way, but our politicians, elected by naysayer constituents, will likely do little to nothing.
It is the holidays so I want to leave you with some good news. New Jeresy is doing more than most states. NJ is looking to trim its global warming pollution to 1990 levels by 2020, and by 80% by 2050. Further, most Hobokenites live simply, in small apartments, and have small carbon footprints. The average house in the US is over 2500 square feet, while in 1973, it was less than 1200 square feet. I know very few people living in Hoboken heating and cooling a 2500 square foot apartment. So feel good about the way you are living - and here's to a happy, healthy, and cleaner 2010!
The above Life photograph is of the Hudson frozen over. I remember this happening in 2000. Will it happen again this year?