Paddling is just one of many outdoor activities I love to do. Lately my free time has been filled away from the river, running trails. As an ex-cross country runner, when I feel autumn air, I am like Pavlov's dog- conditioned to put on running shoes. This year I took it a step further and am planning a few long distance races later this fall and next spring. For the really cold weather, I love to ski. (Get ready Mr. Hawthorne!) That said, this is my year to make the best of all of my rec. activities.
Recently I ran into a friend from college who shares my love for all things fun and outdoors. He looked different this year than last time I saw him. He told me that he is now in the best shape of his life. Mind you, he was a college gymnast. He explained that he started to change the way he eats and exercises. Instead of exercising like a maniac and filling himself with carbs afterward, he went "paleo". What is often referred to as the "caveman diet" he has totally shifted from a carb-heavy diet to eating only what our evolutionary ancestors ate- meats, root veggies, berries, nuts (agricultural products are limited). Before you start thinking that this is just another diet (ala atkins, south beach, etc.) understand that I was as skeptical as you are. I was a bio major in college and have been skeptical of most diets ever since. That said, my friend convinced me to try it for 3 weeks. I can tell you that after two, I am a believer. I eat more food than I did before I began the diet, am rarely, if ever, hungry, and, most importantly, I have more energy at the end of a work day to do what I enjoy- run, paddle, ski!
What I love most about going paleo is that it also shifts the way you workout. Instead of a seven mile runs at pace- it encourages shorter runs with sprints thrown in. And best of all it pushes rule number 7 - play! It encourages what most adults have forgotten- it is important to take time to play- to ski, to kayak, to have a pick-up game of whiffle ball- in place of treadmills and other boring gym workouts.
So go caveman! Play more! And if you are interested, check out www.marksdailyapple.com
I'd be one of the ones not venturing off the roads in the National Parks. After all I don't want to be competing with wild bears for any loose change dropped by campers.
ReplyDelete-Luke Sidewalker