Most predictions for our winter forecast are cold and snowy, but who knew it would come so soon? With a high temp. of 45 degrees and more rain on the way, my outdoor plans have been replaced with Netflix and the New York Times.
In the meantime I thought I might discuss what is happening politically in our city and state. After all, there is little else that I can do that will have a bigger impact on the Hoboken Waterfront than vote.
On the state level, the question I'm asking myself is does Corzine deserve another term? After all, it wasn't Corzine alone that put us in the quagmire that is New Jersey's economy (Or was it? He did work for Goldman!) Don't get me wrong, it is not like he cut state government size or spending, but he has made some of the right moves - finally funding pensions, rethinking school payment formulas, bringing businesses to our state that otherwise would've gone to NYC (again, read: Goldman) and flexing a lot of political muscle for our mile square city (of which he is a resident- a point that should not be overlooked).
Chris Christie wants to limit the size of NJ government, but also wants to give tax rebates and cuts at a time when state governments are teetering on the bankruptcy fence. Christie's campaign promise of cutting state government staff to make up for his tax cut and rebate plan simply doesn't add up.
Chris Daggett, the independent, is the most interesting candidate. An environmentalist endorsed by the Sierra Club, Daggett will be focused on what I care about most, New Jersey's watersheds. Further, he has a plan to restructure taxes and spending to shift burdens away from property taxes. The problem- can he take on such a lofty goal as an independent? I'm not sure independents have the political clout to get things done within our two party machine.
The race for Hoboken Mayor is back. After Cammarano sold his political career for $5000 in a paper bag, we Hobokenites find ourselves in familiar territory. By now, however, we are used to being pestered by Zimmerites in green T-shirts, the endless flyers in our mailbox with Mason's mug on the front, and the big truck that drives around with the words "Elect Pupie". Frankly, the election can't come soon enough. So who to vote for? For me, I always try to elect who I think is smartest. Mason had my vote last time around (or, at least, until the run-off). I liked the way she thinks outside the box in regards to our city. This time, however, I am leaning toward Kimberly Glatt. Who better to deal with Hoboken politicians (read: crooks) than a judge.
So here it is. Hoboken Paddler's first political endorsements:
For Governor: Chris Daggett
For Hoboken Mayor: Kimberly Glatt
Best of luck to both.
Kim Glatt is a good endorsement. But does she have the political muscle to make it to the finish first? Only time (and money! You got to love democracy eh?) will tell.
ReplyDelete-Luke Sidewalker