Sunday, February 21, 2010

Warm Wishes

I have a ski day planned for Wednesday, but today's 40 plus degree weather is reminding me that spring is around the corner. My New Zealand friends are probably laughing that 40 degree weather would cause thoughts of sunny days of t-shirts, but those who live north of the equator know this winter has been brutal. Washington Street is packed with strollers (people walking slowly) and strollers. It is a great day. The snow is melting quickly. I'll be back in the Hudson in no time.


  1. No laughter from down here Mr Paddler. While your world is warming, ours is cooling. (Though not at the moment - it's still 80ยบ at 10 in the morning). I'm sure the metro area will be stinking hot in no time.

  2. Put away the skies Mr. Paddler and come out to the Paddlesport show in Somerset.
