I am not sure what the laws are regarding mooring or tying up boats in Weehawken Cove, but lately, there seem to be many. Last year, there were only a few - all belonging to a New York boat club. This year, there are twice as many - most of which are in bad condition and have been poorly moored, anchored, or tied up. Above is a picture of one such boat that has been seen in the cove lately. The boat is haphazardly tied to a pole on the collapsing pier east of the Tea Building. Now take a look at the same boat below.

The above picture was taken only two days later. The boat, filled with personal belongings, is now sunk against the pier.

Worse yet, the boat's belongings are strewn across the Tea Building beach (below).

Now, I am all for the right to waterfront access. It is my opinion, the more people enjoy the Hudson River, the more people will protect it. But boats recklessly tied to collapsing docks or moored by homemade anchors only threaten our beautiful river. Further, we do not know if people are/were living on these watercrafts.
I am amazed that Hoboken and/or Weehawken authorities have allowed all of these boats to just tie up anywhere. (By the way, I have noticed that many of them have come along since the new construction of the waterfront walkway between the two river-front cities. Do the boats belong to the workers? I know the same boat, shown above, was tied up to the newly constructed walkway only weeks ago.) It is my hope that boats like the one above will not be allowed to stay in Weehawken Cove any longer.
Otherwise, I might just have to buy that sailboat I wanted. After all, I know the perfect place to put it.